We will serve trespassers with notice within 24 hours of your instructions
Whilst Government guidance to local authorities is that they seek a court order to remove trespassers from land owned or managed by the local authority, private landowners have more choice. They can still go down the court route of obtaining an order for possession, then transferring it to the High Court to obtain a writ of possession that is enforced by High Court Enforcement Officers, or they can use the ancient remedy of Common Law as per the Halsbury’s Laws of England.
Halsbury’s Laws of England provides the only complete narrative statement of the law in England and Wales.
Halsbury's Law on trespass
Every landowner has a right to remove trespassers from their land or property, under their ancient rights of Common Law found in Halsburys laws of England, Para 1400, volume 45 of Fourth edition. A person or group of people on land without the landowner’s permission is deemed to be a trespasser.
Authority: Halsbury’s Laws of England, Paragraph 1400, Volume 45, IVth Edition.
“If a trespasser peaceably enters or is on land, the person who is in or entitled to possession may request him to leave, and if he refuses to leave may remove him from the land using no more force than is reasonably necessary. This right is not ousted if the person entitled to possession has succeeded in an action at law for possession but chooses not to sue out his Writ. However, if a trespasser enters with force and violence, the person in possession may remove him without a previous request to depart.
An owner of property is also entitled to take reasonable steps to prevent trespassers from entering his property. If the force or violence used in turning out a trespasser is excessive, the person who uses such force himself commits a trespass upon the person of the person removed. To justify the expulsion of a trespasser, the person who uses force must be in possession or acting under the authority of the person in possession. If a trespasser erects a building on the land of another, the person who is entitled to possession of the land may pull down the building, even though the trespasser is in it.”

Our enforcement agents are fully certificated
The landlord must first ask the trespasser to leave his land. If he refuses, the landowner can then remove the trespassers “using no more force than is reasonably necessary”.
The advantages of using certificated enforcement agents, such as ourselves, is that we are experienced in the relevant law and procedures to undertake the removal of the trespassers and will act accordingly. We will undertake a risk assessment and follow health and safety procedures before and during the eviction.
We have the necessary resources and manpower available to conduct the eviction so that the trespassers are removed from your land quickly.
Our enforcement agents can further arrange for manned security and dog handlers to attend on the site in the event that the same is required.